Solvency II
We’re driving the future with our analytics and modelling technologies

Pension reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Public to private, and back to public
Central and Eastern Europe’s experience of the pension reform process can illuminate some of the pitfalls of embracing systemic pension reforms too eagerly, with subsequent reversal of these reforms occurring some years later as governments found themselves increasingly under financial strain.

Analysis of life insurers’ second set of Solvency and Financial Condition Reports: European and UK life insurers
This analysis of the European life insurance market covers 600 companies from 31 countries and one territory, representing approximately £612 billion (€691 billion) of Gross Written Premium and approximately £6,508 billion (€7,302 billion) of gross Technical Provisions.

Pension reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Public to private, and back to public
Central and Eastern Europe’s experience of the pension reform process can illuminate some of the pitfalls of embracing systemic pension reforms too eagerly, with subsequent reversal of these reforms occurring some years later as governments found themselves increasingly under financial strain.
Meet some of the experts leading Milliman Romania

Marcin Krzykowski

Diana Dodu